Unlock the Power of the

Medicaid 1115 Waiver with HSG

  • Empowering Social Care Providers in NY with Strategic Insights and Actionable Value Propositions

About our Workshop

We are pleased to present a two-part workshop series designed for social care organizations in New York State. The series will focus on the opportunity presented by the $6 billion 2024 Medicaid Waiver. 

This comprehensive offering will equip your organization with the knowledge and strategic insight to effectively navigate and benefit from the opportunities presented by the 1115 waiver. 

Key Benefits:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the waiver

  • Develop 1-3 actionable value propositions

  • Create a strategic roadmap for engagement

On August 7, 2024, Governor Kathy Hochul named the nine organizations designated as Social Care Networks (SCNs). Check out the list of SCNs and regions below!

  • Care Compass Collaborative - Southern Tier

  • Finger Lakes IPA Inc. - Finger Lakes

  • Health and Welfare Council of Long Island - Long Island

  • Healthy Alliance Foundation Inc. - Capital Region, Central NY, North Country

  • Hudson Valley Care Coalition, Inc. - Hudson Valley

  • Public Health Solutions - Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn

  • Staten Island Performing Provider System - Staten Island

  • Somos Healthcare Providers, Inc. - Bronx

  • Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative Inc. - Western NY

Workshop Structure

Our workshop is designed to be comprehensive and interactive, spread across two months for optimal learning and implementation.

Session 1: Overview of the 1115 Medicaid Waiver

Introduction to Medicaid & 1115 Waivers

  1. Key Components and Health-Related Social Needs

  2. Evaluation and Reporting

  3. Q&A Session

Session 2.1: Value Proposition Development

Review Current Offerings

  1. Goal Setting and Action Planning

  2. Scenario Planning

Session 2.2: Strategic Roadmap Finalization

Draft Roadmap Presentation

  1. Team Discussions and Refinements

  2. Post-Workshop Checklist

Ready to Transform Your Social Care Strategy?

Join our workshop and gain the tools and insights to navigate the NYS Medicaid 1115 Waiver program.