Organizational optimization, growth, and development

The world is constantly changing with new challenges appearing on a regular basis. HSG helps its clients navigate fast changing environments, including the fluid government, regulatory, and reimbursement landscape, that often vexes health care providers.

HSG brings experience in strategic planning, improvement science, and regulatory affairs to its clients to help them adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. HSG has provided these services for organizations ranging from health plans to providers to CBOs and even local governments.

HSG also helps its clients enter new markets. This includes helping overseas companies enter the US health care market as well as helping clients identify and enter other state/regional markets which may have seemed opaque and confusing in the past.


  • Strategic planning & future-proofing

  • New market entry

  • Integration initiatives

  • Improvement science & implementation science to improve outcomes

  • Large scale change design & management


HSG helped a non-profit health insurance company re-discover its organizational “Why” utilizing the ground-breaking work of management guru Simon Sinek.

Thanks to this work the health plan – which had gone through significant organizational changes in recent years – was able to refocus its management team on its core mission and used HSG’s work to help prioritize its work and growth moving forward.


Get in touch

Learn more about how HSG can help your team succeed with organizational optimization, growth, and development.