Social determinants of health strategy & development
While other firms like to talk about SDOH, HSG has first-hand experience designing and implementing major initiatives that improve outcomes and lower health care costs.
HSG helps its social care clients enter meaningful contracts with health care payers and providers so that they can expand their mission and impact. HSG also helps health care payers and providers develop effective SDOH strategies that will help them achieve the business objectives.
Lastly, HSG helps social care providers improve their organizational effectiveness. Whether through organizations assessments, strategic planning services or helping to develop targeted interventions that will get funded, HSG is well positioned to help social care providers to make the world a better place.
Understanding the social sector
Crafting SDOH strategies for payers
Building networks of social care providers
HSG helped a social care IPA in New York ensure that low-income people of color got the COVID-19 vaccine.
While much of the nation was struggling to ensure equitable access to the vaccine, HSG was leading a local coalition of government agencies, social care organizations and health care providers to operate vaccination clinics that targeted disadvantaged groups.
This work helped vaccinate thousands of individuals who otherwise would have been left behind. HSG made this success possible because of its ability to create effective coalitions within communities that are able to achieve great things.
Get in touch
Learn more about how HSG can help your team succeed with social determinants of health strategy & development.